Thursday, March 13, 2014

Assistive Technology Approaches to Teaching Early Communication and Emergent Literacy

I find this interesting because even though none of my early toddlers have "language disorders" they still have difficulties communicating.  Obviously, that is just because they are young developing minds, but it does bring around the same sense of helplessness on both parties.  We stress teaching sign language early on so that they can communicate somewhat with us, but even then, we sometimes feel that they are just saying "more" because they know the sign for it. 

I will say that the most amazing thing about early toddler literacy is that even though they cannot read the words, they sure do understand the pictures.  We read this book, "How Big is Baby Elmo" about 10 times a day and all of the teachers do over-animated movements to go along with the words and pictures.  Watching a student read the book by himself and do the motions was one of the most amazing things I've ever seen.  Even when skipping pages, he could still recognize the picture and express the motion that went with it.  Talk about a proud mama!

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